A Mission Station of the Episcopal Church
Ministry TO, WITH and FOR the homeless community of Dallas
Sunday Worship
and Lunch
Street Ministry / Pastoral Counseling
This is often the way we first meet those in need. The Gathering’s ministers spend hours each week sitting with and listening to un-housed men and women on the streets. We never know where we will end up when we set off. Shop doorways, benches and sidewalks are frequent locales but so are coffee shops and the library. We are often able to direct people to local resources that can meet immediate needs such as food and shelter. We also work closely with job training, medical, mental-health and housing outreach organizations to better serve these needs in the long-term. We meet people at their point of need, and attempt to love and serve each one of them. And, in doing so, preach a powerful Gospel message.
Worship is the heart of The Gathering - and it takes place outdoors at Thanks-Giving Square every Sunday at 1:00 pm, rain or shine, sleet or snow. Roughly 100 people gather each week. Our worship is Episcopal in nature and yet has an informal style. After the Gospel is read, the celebrant leads the reflection. All participants are then welcome to share their own reflections. While most of our congregation is homeless, many who call our church home are also business people, students, care-givers and professionals. Members of suburban parishes from across the Metroplex join us as well. Together we sing and pray, reflect on the Gospel and break bread. In the hope found only in the message of Jesus Christ, many are finding encouragement, purpose and strength.
After the service, one of our many partners in ministry serve a lunch that they have prepared. Lunch can be anything from a simple sack sandwich to a meatloaf and mashed potato feast.
Each Sunday at noon members can gather for a Recovery Group. Based on the AA 12-step program, and lead by members of our community, this group welcomes anyone impacted by any type of addiction: drugs, alcohol, shoplifting, etc. All are welcome to participate.
Recognizing the need to sustain the community during the week, on Thursdays at 2:30pm we host an informal gathering at Thanks-Giving Square featuring coffee and donuts. Our pastoral staff is available for individual prayer, conversation and of course, referrals to available resources.
Recovery Meeting
Coffee On The Square
Bible Study
Beginning in 2016, we will add a Bible Study on Tuesdays.
Facilitated by several ministers, the intent is for participants to discuss their faith and find ways to strengthen it, learning from each other’s knowledge and experience. It will be a place to foster friendships and share the human experience.